Building A Defendable Brand
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Building A Defendable Brand

Every business owner or entrepreneur needs to tune into this episode with US Army Veteran and attorney, Andy Nelson as we discuss how and why to defend your brand. From trademark and copyright to websites and social media there is a lot to consider when building your brand. Find out what you need to focus on first and the best ways to keep yourself out of the courtroom!

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Courageously Broken
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Courageously Broken

Navy Veteran Donna Michaels believes that everyone has a story to tell and scars that don't heal. Her book, Courageously Broken, is a memoir about overcoming adversity and conquering the battle scars of life. Donna has had a unique and interesting life and a story worth telling. From a rough childhood to parties with Navy Seals and a career of stories in law enforcement, she may be Courageously Broken, but she has a story that can heal!

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Business & Taxes
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Business & Taxes

One of the most important aspects to running a business is understanding taxes. With changed seemingly every other day, understanding what you need to do and what you should do is confusing at best. Marine Corps veteran Charles Read has made a career out of understanding the tax system and he joins the show to discuss some very important tax topics for vetrepreneurs.

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Outside The Box
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Outside The Box

US Marine Joey Mac Dizon runs the Mobile Cigar Lounge, offering a very unique service for parties, weddings, retirements, and more! We discussed the good and bad of operating a mobile service business and the challenges of operation during COVID. Joey is a funny guy, you won’t want to miss this episode!

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Advice From A VSO
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Advice From A VSO

The VA system is not an easy agency to deal with all the time. With many benefits, rules, regulations the VA systems is complicated at a minimum. Army veteran, Jane Babcock, has been serving veterans for years helping them get the benefits they have earned. Along the way she has seen behind the VA curtain and knows their systems like the back of her hand. In this episode we pull back that curtain a little and get her best advice and opinions on navigating the VA system.

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Blue Star Families
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Blue Star Families

Welcome Ben Gould the Chicago Area Director of Blue Star Families is my guest this week as we discuss military family resources! Every military and veteran family faces certain struggles from time to time. Perhaps it's employment, caregiver resources, medical, mental health, financial, or something else. With over 200 Blue Star Family Communities across the world, they offer a ton of resources to the military-connected community. Check them out next time you have a need!

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Invisible Wounds
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Invisible Wounds

Not all wounds of war are visible to the naked eye. Air Force veteran Elisa Escalante knows this all to well as a former mental health technician in uniform and out. She has seen first hand the invisible wounds suffered both in and out of the war zone. Military trauma can develop in many ways, but one thing remains constant, dealing with these complex wounds can be difficult. With all this experience over the years, Elisa has just released her first book titled, Unseen:

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Empowering & Caring For Veterans
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Empowering & Caring For Veterans

USMC Veteran Joe Palacios, part of Maxwell's Soaps, comes on the podcast for this special July 4th edition! Joe and I talked about soap and how the company provides one bar of soap to homeless veterans with each purchase. His love and passion for his fellow veterans also translated into the first HAVE mission. HAVE stands for Humble Alpha Veteran Empowerment, developed by Lane Belone and Stephen Kuhn. Joe's mission, which was the first of its kind, helped a fellow veteran finish his new coffee roasting building.

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The Victim Mentality
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

The Victim Mentality

There can be many reasons why someone can find themselves falling into the victim mentality. Ashley Rodriquez and I will discuss how she overcame that victim mentality and got herself into the right, positive mental state where she can take charge of her own life. Ashley is the founder of which is an American only competitor to other worldwide freelance sites.

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Crayon Eater
Keith McKeever Keith McKeever

Crayon Eater

You know that joke about Marines eating Crayons? Well, what if I told you USMC Veteran, Frank Manteau, actually created an edible, colorable crayon! Well, he did the impossible and is on the way to making it a reality on shelves near you. Frank and I discuss his business, the challenges, and a few other things in this awesome episode.

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