Our Reading List
Unleash Your Humble Alpha
Unleashing your Humble Alpha is the key factor to unlocking profound leadership, unshakable confidence, clarity of purpose, and the quality of life you dream of. It’s a natural power created by you when in alignment, which supercharges your ability to take massive charge in business and life, so you can stop grappling for power, failing to motivate staff, or struggling in your relationships. It’s the momentum you’ve been searching for. The leader you’ve always wanted to be idles right beneath the surface. As combat veterans and military leaders who’ve been exposed to highly elite training, Steven and Lane decode how you can master your life, conquer everything that stands in your way, improve your ability to cope with stress, and run towards greatness. Steven and Lane didn’t become great leaders until they stepped outside the confines of the military and had to adapt to the diverse workforce, creativity and motivating through desire and emotion. Tapping into their time in the military, extensive travels, uncommon connections, and years of experience turning around million-dollar companies, they unlock the holistic and integrated secrets to unleashing the profound leader and Humble Alpha that already lives within you. Through vivid storytelling, pointed advice, and powerful action steps, Steven and Lane help you dig deep, drop every excuse, and achieve what every leader wants yet very few possess—massive momentum, power, happiness, and a balanced quality of life.
Franchising Unlocked: The 7 Secrets to Franchise Ownership
This book will cover the aspects of franchising you will need to understand in order to find a franchise that is a good match for you personally, financially, and professionally. The Value Equation was written to help maximize your life earning potential. It includes tips for developing your skillset, maximizing your income, controlling your reputation – how you are perceived – and finding your courage to take advantage of opportunities.
Why this matters…
A franchise can help you start a restaurant, a healthcare business, a doggy daycare, or many other business start-ups ideas there may be demand for in your area. These could be home based business ideas, side business ideas, business-to-business ideas, or any of the various retail storefront concepts you interact with on a daily basis.
When most think about franchising they have a very limited understanding of what it is or how they can be involved. It’s time to take these keys and unlock your future.
This book is part of The Value Equation book series
Unseen: Uncovering the Invisible Wounds of Military Trauma
Unseen is an informative, critical, and empathetic look into the mental health side of military and veteran affairs. It highlights how both trauma and military adjustment stressors impact individuals on a social, spiritual, emotional, occupational, and psychological level. Elisa Escalante expresses views on resiliency and what it means to readjust post deployment. She also expresses views on the complexity of getting help in an organization that stigmatizes mental health treatment, viewing it as a form of weakness.
In addition, Elisa writes on topics involving marginalized populations in the military and the uniqueness of clinical treatment toward veterans with suicidal/ homicidal ideation. Unseen enhances education and insight for all veterans, veteran family members, mental health clinicians, and students looking to help veterans in the social and mental realm. It also includes military trauma stories as well as a self-help segment with Q&A, self-interventions, and resources.
Courageously Broken: A memoir of overcoming adversity and conquering the battle scars of life.
Everyone has a story to tell and scars that don't heal A young, idealistic teen leaves a small town and abusive father behind to join the Navy in a refreshingly down to earth memoir of one woman's journey of self-discovery. She embraces life with passion and courage, from training and partying with Navy SEALs to skydiving and joining the police force, but when tragic events while serving her country lead to years of nightmares, depression, and PTSD, she must learn to navigate life through the heartache and tears until the laughter and love return.
“This is one heck of a story that will take you on a roller coaster of emotions. What a great story of resilience, love, and heartbreak. Donna takes us on the journey of her life which has been anything but ordinary!” -Keith McKeever
30 Days Of Courageous Leadership
This book is about finding inspiration, so one can build the fortitude to become an authentic leader. The author draws from his experience as a senior leader to build 30 leadership affirmations. The daily affirmation in the book are the clear pathway to building trust and long-lasting professional relationships.
“A super easy read with daily bit sized nuggets of actionable information. A must read for anyone in leadership or looking for a refresher in what it means to be a real, true, and courageous leader. Written by my own Battle Buddy, retired CMSgt. Todd Simmons who was an early example of great leadership to a young Airman McKeever.” - Keith McKeever
The Transitioning Veteran Journal
Are you struggling with who you are now that you've left the military?
Do you feel like you don't fit in anywhere and no one understands you anymore?
Are you wrestling with the post military "funk", even if you left the service years ago?
Do you feel like you have to figure everything out on your own?
Even if you left the military six months or six years ago, acclimating to a civilian lifestyle can be frustrating, confusing, or perhaps disappointing. Unfortunately, far too many veterans struggle with who they are, now that they have left the service. This self-guided journal will feature questions to aid you into tapping into your identity, so that you can re-connect with who you are meant to be. Use one question a day, reflect on your writing, and have fun re-discovering yourself once more.
Perfectly Wounded:
A Memoir About What Happens After a Miracle
On the night of April 6, 2007, in Iraq's Anbar Province, Senior Chief Mike Day, his team of Navy SEALs, and a group of Iraqi scouts were on the hunt for a high-level al Qaeda cell. Day was the first to enter a 12x12 room where four terrorist leaders were waiting in ambush. When the gunfight was over, he took out all four terrorists in the room, but not before being shot twenty-seven times and hit with grenade shrapnel. Miraculously, Day cleared the rest of the house and rescued six women and children before walking out on his own to an awaiting helicopter, which flew him to safety.
While in the hospital, the Navy SEAL lost fifty-five pounds in two weeks. It took almost two years for Day to physically recover from his injuries, although he still deals with pain. Like so many veterans, doctors diagnosed Day with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury -- the invisible wounds of war.
Perfectly Wounded is the remarkable story of an American hero whose incredible survival defies explanation, and whose blessed life of service continues in the face of unimaginable odds.
Calmed: Growth After Trauma
As a true story told through dual perspectives, a powerful love ignites amidst the chaos in a combat zone between Baghdad and Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Two young soldiers from completely different lives unite together on a deployment-mostly under the privacy of mosquito netting since fraternization was frowned upon. Jennifer was more timid about needing to keep their relationship private, whereas Ryan didn't take well to orders and was rather experienced in manipulating the system.
When a devastating explosion crumbles the course of their lives and budding relationship, they must navigate through the grief separately to find healing. The following years rain with struggles and destructive coping mechanisms as bandaids are slapped on the deep wounds of trauma, yet their love paves a path to each other again. Calmed. is the recount of their journeys, how combat brought them together and drove them apart, and a reflection of the laughter and tears through the heartbreak as they learned to trust each other again.
Combat To College:
Applying the Military Mentality as a Student Veteran
Combat to College is the guide for student veterans who want to win the college battle. Utilize the unique skills and discipline you gained in the military to succeed in higher education. In ten straightforward lessons designed by a veteran for veterans, you will learn how to navigate the transition to civilian life, build your team and resume, work with political professors, and endure to graduation. Maintain your military bearing and unwavering determination in your next chapter. Make your college success nonnegotiable. You've earned the GI Bill, and now it's time to grit your teeth and use it.
A Boot’s Guide To Financial Basics
A financial basics book for the young service member. In this book you will be introduced to a variety of finance topics that will help you build and grow your financial foundation. Written by a Marine veteran in an easy-to-understand format after being dissatisfied with the lack of finance training young service members receive. Many of the topics found in this book are often discovered too late in a service member's career or sometimes not at all. Get a head start on your financial future with A Boot’s Guide to Financial Basics!
Weapons of Mass Deception
Is it possible that what you’ve been suppressing in your heart, has been spreading into your home?
Weapons of Mass Deception delivers a much-needed message of hope and restoration for high-performing leaders and their families. Regain what has been lost, recover what has been stolen, and restore what has been broken as you begin to defeat the weapons of mass deception that threaten you and those you lead.
What weapon will you defeat today?
Citizen Soldier
Imagine going to war for a year with no assurance that you would ever return.
In Dr. Robert Elliott’s Citizen Soldier: From the Land of Lincoln to Iraq and Back, readers learn what it is like to say goodbye to a wife and three children and then travel across Iraq by convoy and helicopters. You’ll learn about the stressors, the dangers, and the risks taken and retaken.
Citizen Soldier: From the Land of Lincoln to Iraq and Back is written from a soldier's perspective, inviting you to experience the emotional roller coaster that service members and their families voluntarily endure to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.