Holistic Health

For Navy veteran Siannon Lee your health should be looked at in a holistic way.  From a high protein, animal based diet to unleashing the power of 100% THC free, CBD products and supplements Siannon shares your perspective on living your life in a more holistic way.

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Transcript from Episode 59 with Siannon Lee:

Keith McKeever 0:03

Welcome to the battle buddy podcast with Keith McKeever. Welcome back to the battle money podcast. I have Shannon Lee with wild branch botanicals. Welcome to the show, Shannon.

Siannon Lee 0:16

Hi, Keith, thanks so much for having me. I'm really excited to be with you and talk with your audience. How are you today?

Keith McKeever 0:21

I'm all right. And I'm excited to talk about something new, like health and nutrition and those kinds of things. Like I am definitely not an expert on, I've looked at things right things. So it's always interesting to learn a little bit more a little bit deeper about something that you know, just a tad bit about, you know, maybe expand your knowledge a little bit. So, before we get started, go ahead and share some of your story. You know, who was young Shannon? And why'd you get in the military? Would you do catch us up to today?

Siannon Lee 0:51

Absolutely. Well, that's a loaded question, of course. But yeah, I actually, I had no intention whatsoever of going into the military, none at all, I was totally not the follow your order type girl, by any means. So when I did actually join, it was it was very kind of spur of the moment. And it all kind of went that way. So I just, I was going to college. And I knew I was I knew I wanted to do something in business, but I didn't know what and so I was just going for business and paying, you know, excruciating amounts of money for generalized business classes and all your, you know, all those other classes that you will never use, but pay a lot of money for. And that was, and I was working my ass off. And so we can say that on the show, right? So and I was, I am a sailor, if you if you ever become an expert, so the term that you cuss, like a sailor speak like a sailor definitely applied for many, many years. doesn't leave you very easily. I'll say that. But yeah, so I had, yeah, it was just working my butt off and going to school and paying for it for myself. And I was like, I'm gonna do this for like, four years, and maybe figure out somewhere in between what is actually what I actually want to do. And I was, I think, you know, school was okay. And education was, was okay. And it came pretty easy. But I really enjoyed more of a hands on, you know, kind of work, and I liked learning and that kind of thing. So that was really the initial like, spark for me, that was like, military might be interesting. And I love to travel, even, although I hadn't gone very far, you know, around New England, and down to Florida a couple times in my young life at that time, but I knew that I was always interested in traveling. So for those reasons, it was appealing. And I knew I kind of had, you know, I have some military family, my, my aunt and some uncles, and my grandfather, my father was was Air Force. And so and I never really peered much into why, you know, what they did, or, you know, that much background for them. But, you know, so it was there. And I just decided that I didn't want to be a career waitress Not that there's anything wrong with being a career waitress, because they do make a lot of bank. But you know, it can be hard on your, on your body for that many years, you know, as as, as any job pretty much but, you know, being on your feet all the time. And in that kind of thing in that industry was changing. And it was just something, you know, I enjoyed doing on the side, but didn't want to make it a full time gig. And so that's what it looked like, you know, back in the day. So I was, um, you know, I was working waitressing and I went back to New York for a weekend and I went to maps and talk to the recruiters there. And I talked to the Navy People First my plan was to talk to the Navy people and then talk to the Air Force people. And I never made it past the Navy people, I just decided that I was gonna go into the Navy. So I signed the paperwork. And I had a choice. Because I don't even remember what I wanted to do at the time. I think it was like photo journalist or something like that, right?

Keith McKeever 4:16

Like nobody ever gets. Exactly,

Siannon Lee 4:19

exactly. You can get that reading but guess what you're gonna be cleaning in First Lieutenant. So yeah, so I was, you know, they're like, well, that's, that's not available and so and the only thing that they offered me was what did they offer me? Intelligence fantastically. They offered me intelligence and I was like, Ooh, now some things I just don't want to know for the rest of my life. So I'm I'm okay. So it was either take intelligence at that time going on designated or wait six months to get into what you wanted to do. And so my choice was like, leave in six days or leave in six months and so I signed the paperwork and left six days later.

Keith McKeever 5:04

Not too much different than when I got in the Air Force. I had an army recruiter call me. It was around Valentine's Day. I just remember it was around that time period. And I had already finished my Associate's degree. When I was just kind of born. I was just doing 30 hours a week, I was working at Kohl's department store, which was great. It was a good company to work for, you know, 17 or 2020 21 years old. And yeah, but I didn't feel you know, I felt kind of like bored. So I talked to the recruiter. A couple weeks later, I was at maps. And then he just calls me one day and he's like, got a guy broke his leg. He was guaranteed security forces. I know it's on your shortlist of jobs, you want it? It leaves in like two weeks. And so I had that very same thought of like, wait six months, and I may decide against this or just right and open with both feet, and just just go with it. That's what I did you know why? Why sit and think about it. I don't have anything else to do. I was like, I'm going to sit around here and work my 30 hours a week,

Siannon Lee 6:04

right? And talk yourself out of doing it right?

Keith McKeever 6:07

I'm Oh, there's not much I guarantee, I almost guarantee I would have talked myself out of it. If I would have waited six months, I would have found something else and gone on some other path. So yeah,

Siannon Lee 6:19

that's interesting.

Keith McKeever 6:20

So you also mentioned travel the world. Now I know a lot of people say that, Oh, join the military just want to travel the world. Some people actually travel the world. Some people do nothing. I've heard of people that literally, I think it was San Diego. Yes. I joined the Navy or the Marines in San Diego. And they thought I'm gonna travel the world. And then what do they do? They get like a land base job in San Diego, like in their own backyard. It's like, yeah, that was suck.

Siannon Lee 6:44

Yeah, that's hilarious. I was in San Diego. So that's, and I love San Diego. But that was a you know, California was pretty much in up I think as far as Whidbey Island, you know, was as far as I got to go. So that was a little I could have gone further. But when it was time to go, they only offered me Diego Garcia and ATEC, Alaska. And I was like really? I mean, I was an aviation storekeeper. I could have gone anywhere. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's so many positions out there for

Keith McKeever 7:18

that. Yeah. There's bears and it's cold, you know?

Siannon Lee 7:22

Yeah. And Diego Garcia is an island full of weird creepy creatures.

Keith McKeever 7:28

Yeah, I don't know that much about it. I don't believe I believe it's not a super big island. And I cannot imagine a whole lot going on there,

Siannon Lee 7:37

too. It's, it's tiny. And I've actually met people that have done duty there. And they said it was great. Actually, they love that they have a lot of barbecues and you know, a

Keith McKeever 7:47

lot of barbecues each time, I mean,

Siannon Lee 7:50

pretty much. But yes, there are creepy crawly creatures there, as there are pretty much anywhere, but it's just as long as you can identify them, then, then you should be okay. And don't have the

Keith McKeever 8:03

big teeth. Which ones have poison, right. Yeah,

Siannon Lee 8:05

exactly. Wow. But yeah, so. So those were the early days. And I had I had a great, you know, I had a great time in the military. And I learned a whole lot. And it the lifestyle in itself really suited me well. But Diego Garcia and ATEC Alaska did not. So I chose to go to Virginia Beach, and, you know, do like another couple years of inactive reserve, you know, weekend warrior stuff. And so that's where I was after, after active duty in San Diego. Gotcha.

Keith McKeever 8:39

Well, now you're into like holistic health and taking care of yourself. And so what originally got you kind of looking into that? Is this something that's, you know, you've been looking at and thinking about stewing over for years? Or is this a more recent thing in life?

Siannon Lee 8:56

Well, actually, initially, like the military, No, I never wanted to be in health care. As we as we knew it back then, you know, because I wasn't, I despise going to doctors and hospitals and nurses. And don't give me that shot. I'm not taking your antibiotics. And you know, I was just that girl, like, it'll work itself out, and I'll do something else. So and, you know, fortunately, I'm from upstate New York, and we were pretty, you know, just well fed meat and potatoes, people. You know, I know so much about potatoes, but I guess that's part of the Irish thing. So but the meat part is good. And and I retain that so, um, but yeah, so it was just always, you know, I was always definitely more looking into if you want to call it Holistic Health. We didn't call it that at the time because I didn't know you know, you don't know what you don't know. But I didn't want to be a nurse and I didn't want to go that route into medic and that kind of thing. So But for whatever reason, even at a very young age, when I my first job, I was 13, I was in supply. I was in an art supply store, and I was I was doing supply and doing books and for this company that was in my area, and I was very rural upstate New York, as most upstate New York is right. Except for the major cities. But, um, yeah, so it was, storekeeper just ended up being a natural fit for me. And then it was because of the military. When I went in, which was towards the end of the Gulf War, the first Gulf War, even though it was towards the end, and we may may may or may not have been deployed, so to speak. They gave us all the same inoculations, the same vaccinations as if you were going are going to go over because if you were then you go right away,

Keith McKeever 10:54

you know, that that box is checked already. Yeah. Right. Exactly.

Siannon Lee 10:57

That's they're covering their bases. So. So you know, and many people remember, I'm sure and got way more than, you know, than I got, but, you know, it was very sensitive to the, you know, the ingredients so to speak, that are in those vaccines, and not just so much the ingredients but it's really adjunctive that come with it. So you know, their quote, unquote, you know, carrier stuff, which is typically heavy metals like aluminum, and mercury. And now they've gotten really sophisticated with since the you know, I will say the invention of graphene, oxide, so which is super super creepy stuff, and very highly conductive. And, and they're not only just putting it in, you know, the vaccines, but they're putting it in different products, saline solutions, and different food and beverages as a matter of fact, so you really want to be careful and everybody should be detoxifying from that. graphene oxide.

Keith McKeever 12:08

I've never heard of that substance but you kind of want to drink I used to be one of those guys. When I was in it. I would drink to rip it's you know, especially when deployed to little tiny rip it cans. I was a you know, at home station, it was a report or whatever other energy drink it was a water to a day. Wow, you can probably bought nine. Yeah, by nine years ago, nine years ago, I just said you know what, that's it. That's it. I'm not having any more five hour energies. I'm not having any more repeats or monsters or Red Bulls. Just because I pronounce most of the ingredients in them. Right? What they are? Why am I putting this in my body? And then everybody, everybody who drinks them knows exactly what I'm going to say here. When you drink too many of them and your heart starts feeling like it's going to literally jump out of your chest. Yeah. So it's just because you're drinking a coffee right now. And we're just talking about that before we hit record. It's like, coffee doesn't do that. I mean, it might make me jittery if I drink too much, but it never makes my heart feel like it's going to jump up out of my throat.

Siannon Lee 13:15

Yeah, so it can give you a heart attack for sure. And you know, it's yeah, they're not good. I mean that that amount of caffeine on your adrenal glands, and you know, racing cortisol through your body. And I'm glad you mentioned that because it really really has a detrimental effect on the body. You know, obviously and you can you can feel that. So you know, even those nitro drinks although delicious that they are the they won't let you have at Starbucks over five of them.

Keith McKeever 13:49

And I want to be the first person was to have five of them. Probably a millennial generation behind it. Yeah. But yeah, I'm on the verge. I was born in 85. So I just say because they're so they're so daring. You know, they take all their risks. So yeah, well, there's something to that for sure. So as you kind of navigated like this, this whole health and all this stuff. Yeah. What challenges have you personally had it can because you are on a carnivore diet and and you are into CBD and stuff we'll get into that here in a few minutes. But what what kind of challenges did you have as you kind of like educated your mind on what's in things and stuff like that? I'm kind of curious what what mental blocks or things that you found that you're like, holy cow, like I can't believe this was a mess.

Siannon Lee 14:52

Yeah, I think the you know, the challenges I think we're more of a lack of what's the word I want to use? information or solid ation resources and stuff. Yeah, I mean, even though the internet's there, there's a lot of information, misinformation disinformation. And that's with everything, you know, pretty much, but very much so in, in the quote unquote, medical industry and, and we've been programmed to believe that you know, that the doctors have all the answers, and they do certain doctors, but not all doctors. And, you know, I was always a very big proponent of like, if I'm going to the doctor, and he's like, you know, you can't help cold in a sense. I mean, I turned 50 this year. But if you remember, the doctors of the past that were 50, they didn't look quite the same.

Keith McKeever 15:49

They don't look like 50 year olds today.

Siannon Lee 15:52

That's my point. They don't look like 50 year olds today. They and many of them were fat, and you know, had their own health issues. So you're like, why am I taking you're not taking health advice from doctors, you're getting prescription drugs from doctors to mask the symptoms of what you're, what you're dealing with, right? So those are the challenges really. In that people's, it's really more people's mindset than my own mindset. Because I've always believed that we, and I know we've been given not even just believe, but I know, we've been given everything that we need to support our body systems to support our health, what we haven't been given us the right information on a wide scale basis. So, you know, did you take health class in high school? Did you take it in college? Do you remember anything from it? Do you even know what the proper human diet is? Do you know what you need in order for your body to metabolically run at its optimal levels? You know, you know, what you need in your car? Right? Why don't you know what you need in your body. Because if you knew, you wouldn't be doing some of the things that you do to your body. And sometimes, you know, we just do it out of either habit, or we don't know better, or addiction, which, you know, habit becomes addiction, in a sense, but your body literally becomes addicted to it. So it was really more of not so much my mindset, but really changing people's mindset to say, look, you can take control of your own body, when you have the knowledge, stop giving your power away, in your authority away to people that they really don't know any more or less than what you know, you just go in there, they ask you a bunch of questions for like, you know, eight to 10 minutes, because that's all that they have, you know, kind of a lot the time for, and then they they're gonna check off a list of okay, well, could be this could be this could be this, they have a number of drugs that they, you know, deal with that go along with those, quote unquote, symptomology. And they're just gonna go through and if one doesn't work for you, and you come back, and it made me feel like like crazy, then they'll go to the next one and go to the next one. And it's no different in the holistic world. Because our bodies are simple, but complex. And so at the same time, certain things that are going on, can lead back to other things. But if you don't know what you don't know, then you're just like, What the hell's going on? My heart's beating out of my chest? Like, you know, that was a good indicator that you should probably stop drinking those drinks, right?

Keith McKeever 18:27

Absolutely. Yeah, you really need to listen to your body on those things. He was like me myself, like, I don't drink a whole lot of alcohol. Because if I do drink too much, my face gets really read my body temperature goes up. I don't like the feeling. So I'm a you know, social drinker. One, two, maybe three drinks like that. That's about all you ever seen me drink anything more than that, I start getting to that point. And I'm already warm blooded. Anyway, so don't put me in a room where it's like 80 degrees. And there's a bunch of people in a very common analysis of like, like, I feel like I'm just sweating my butt off, you know, right. But other things like, like, I don't have a gluten allergy, but I'll just use bread for example. Like, if I eat a lot of bread or pasta, like, I'm going to feel kind of sick. Like it just sits different on your stomach than if you eat a lot of green vegetables and meat and stuff like that, you know, just kind of have to figure out and that's just me, for somebody else. Meat might upset your stomach. I don't know, you know, resin, and other vegetables might be better for you. So you just kind of got to play around and figure out what makes you feel better because it doesn't feel good.

Siannon Lee 19:34

It does optimize right and you're right and there's there's always reasons for all of that. Which is to say like you know, your your breads, of course and your pasta is anything that's made made with our quote unquote flour, which is nothing as what it used to be. But it's

Keith McKeever 19:51

all 50 years ago, that's for sure. Exactly.

Siannon Lee 19:55

Yeah, there's there's no really no nutritional value in it. It's just there for you consistency and texture, you know, that kind of thing to put something together, but there's no nutritional value. So I feel like yeah, sweets are nice and flour. You know, breads are lovely. I love bread, you know, but, you know, they they have to be limited because of that reason they use a ton of glyphosate glyphosate, which is highly toxic. There's so much pesticides. And that's really the problem. You know, we mentioned the carnivore diet. The reason I love vegetables, I didn't love them when I was a kid. Obviously,

Keith McKeever 20:35

nobody does. right there with you on that one. I did not like my

Siannon Lee 20:39

smart, right kids are smart when i How many people sat at the dinner table literally for three hours staring at their freaking cold as vegetables that they're not eating and like, Oh, I really have to go go home and flush them down the frickin toilet. Right? When I'm when you want

Keith McKeever 20:54

to hear a funny story about vegetables and kids. I have one for you. It was a birthday party of mine. And whenever my parents cooked, there was green beans on the table and green beans were the one thing as a kid I would eat now. It's green beans and broccoli. I'll eat them all day long. Right? My mom told me you can not get it from this table until you eat your green beans. Yes, it's my birthday party. Everybody else's in Mulliner. I'm still sitting there. I was probably like, probably for something like that. I don't know. Because my mom loves to tell the story. And then she kept coming back in there. She's like, Okay, keep all you have to do is eat one green beans. So she moved one to the side of the plate. She's just eaten one, and then you can get up. Enjoy your birthday party. Stubborn on me was like, Nope, I'm not doing it. I'm not eating the screen. So my grandmother comes in there she goes, Don't you want to come to your birthday party? I said, But Grandma, I have to eat this one green bean. So she picked it up at eight a for me. has made me think about that. You know, it's like your kids are smart. I was like, I don't want to touch that. There's there's no flavoring on it's just gross

Siannon Lee 21:56

blue. Right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well, that's it's funny that you'd say that because it was that way like, people didn't learn to use a lot of spices and seasonings and make the food interesting by any means. That was just I saw maybe some pepper. Or they didn't know how to put it together. So yeah,

Keith McKeever 22:15

maybe if you're lucky, there was some bacon cooked into green beans, you know, helps a little bit but not in my family. Like I don't think I ever really remember. I guess we maybe did a little bit but

Siannon Lee 22:26

well, if you're from Illinois, probably not. If you're from the south, most likely you'd had some some good, fatty bacon. And there are some, you know,

Keith McKeever 22:36

mid Midwestern meals growing up, well, my mom never listened to this. I'm sorry, mom, if you if you do. But some of the food is pretty bland. Sometimes, thank goodness, I married a woman who can cook and loves to Season Season things up.

Siannon Lee 22:50

That's awesome. Yes, I do too. And it took many, many, many years before I even learned you know how to do that. So that's, I think it's definitely something people are just not familiar with. And you're a product of your environment, which means from cradle all the way up, right? So throughout your life. And so yeah, but just changing people's perceptions to say like, Hey, you can do this, you can do this on your own. And all you need to do is start making small changes every day to what you do decide not to have that drink, you know, and you got to change your habits. It's like, like smoking, right? I smoked up until I was 28 years old. I think actually, when I got out of the military, I actually stopped smoking. And smoking is horrible, right. But it was a habit. And it was, you know, it was some of us think of it, it was like a physical habit becomes an emotional crutch, in a sense to deal with certain things. And you say, well, to help you deal with stress, but actually, it causes more stress, technically in your body. But really what you're doing is you're just taking a step out of like, whatever it is you're doing, you're smoking that cigarette and so you're processing, you know, in your brain What's What are you doing what's going on?

Keith McKeever 24:07

I was just gonna say that's, that's the the therapeutic part of it is getting out of an environment and right. Your mindset? Five minutes, 10 minutes, whatever.

Siannon Lee 24:16

Yeah, whatever it is. Exactly. So but you know, and of course, we all know that. It's terrible. And it's only gotten worse. I mean, it used to be like 3000 chemicals per cigarette now. It's like 5000 chemical per cigarette, including, you know, embalming fluid and like, well, we all know what that's for. Right? Exactly. So that's, you know, you're predicting your future in that sense. And, you know, you know, so I always hope in a great way, what really helped me to stop and I stopped cold turkey was actually detoxifying. And so that's also the same thing that helped me to overcome the Gulf War Syndrome illness, which was mostly it's, I would say the onset is From the vaccinations, but then depending on where you were what you were exposed to, after that, for example, the guys that, you know, the people that were involved in were around burn pits and over actually overseas that kept getting other shots had other pills, you know, things that they were, quote unquote, required to take it for their good. Not so good. And so all of that stuff, you know, we are, if you've ever heard of epigenetics, it's, it's a term, you know, that is in, you know, DNA and genes and stuff. And we'll kind of get into that with the CBD as well, because it plays a role in that sense. But everything that you're putting into your body, right, you're a sponge. And so what you think what you breathe, what you, you know, what you eat, what you put in your mind, who you're talking to everything around you is makes up who you are, you know, in what you're about. And so, so you want to really be mindful and know what that is, right? So epigenetics is to say, if you have a flower, a yellow flower, and there's a chemical that sprayed over that flower, and the flower turns from yellow to purple, that's going to stay that way. Right? and future generations have a hybrid DNA right now, because they've got this other chemical attached to the DNA. Exactly. And so it's the same for us. Essentially, you don't see us, you know, we don't turn purple, but not yet anyway. Right. That we're not aware of, but, but yeah, so everything that we that we're putting in our bodies, you know, food waters. So that's why, you know, when I'm talking about like, the graphene and the mercury, and these, these chemicals, and metals and elements that do not belong in the human body, they're going to have an effect on your, your metabolic, you know, reactions and responses, and, you know, and even stress in and of itself, and anxiety, and depression, all of those things are having a metabolic effect on your body through the hormones and the endocrine system, which is kind of where the CBD comes in.

Keith McKeever 27:23

Gotcha. I was just gonna ask Is that where like the carnivore diet kind of comes into? Is it kind of accurate in there? So tell us a little bit about your carnivore diet, and like, what that is for you, and why you you chose to go with the carnivore diet?

Siannon Lee 27:38

Um, I do, and I've been on probably every diet that is known to modern man. Other than like, breatharian and fruit Attarian, I think, what's your I can't get there mentally. But yeah, but of course, vegetarian for a very long time. Vegan, too short of time, not too short, but not short. Not sure enough, I should say, Yeah, because it's super unhealthy. And I'm sorry, for all the vegans out there.

Keith McKeever 28:08

I've eaten a few vegan items in boy, you have to really get past some texture, and some flavor issues, cheese and stuff like that. It's like, okay, like, some things I could do other things, it's not going to be a long term thing. Right. But why?

Siannon Lee 28:25

And in the point in the vegan in the vegetarianism, when I was vegetarian, I would say, like, 95%, I think I kept in some fish, you know, and eggs, you know, and that kind of thing. But other than that, you know, it, what you can't do, and what you don't know is that increasingly, that the plants are detrimental to our health, they cause inflammation in the gut lining, and they cause tears in the gut lining, and they have their own protective mechanism. Because they are not like an animal that can defend itself, right? So there's constituents in the plants lectins, there's oxalates and different components that cause inflammation in the body. And so you just have to know that, you know, after being on a vegetarian diet for many years, it just it wasn't, it wasn't ever optimal for me, because you cannot get enough. You can't get enough protein number one correct proteins, complete proteins, I should say, with number one and vegan diet, forget it. It's not happening. You can take as much protein as you want. But you have trillions and trillions and trillions of cells in your body, and in order to create the next generation of healthy cells. So you have to have two things, you have to have a complete protein, and you have to have fat. And that was what your body is made of anything else. Carb wise, simple carbs and complex carbs are all for fuel. Many people use them to get nutrients. And they do have that say that they don't have nutrients, but they have so many anti nutrients that are fighting against your uptake. So there's there's a saying, right in this industry that you know, people go, Oh, you are what you eat? Well, you're not what you're eat, you are what you absorb. And if you can't absorb those nutrients, because of the anti nutrients, then how healthy are you really, you can look fine and healthy on the outside. But what's going on in the inside, and eventually it will all come out and it will show on the outside. So that's good. Yeah. So in speaking of that, so I want to make a good point about that broccoli you mentioned. So that broccoli back then was probably real broccoli, which was good for you. But since then, broccoli is now only about 14%. Broccoli, genetically, if it's not organic, it's enough to just look like broccoli. And most people, if you actually don't put anything on it, like butter or salt, and season it up, it kind of tastes like nothing. And it literally doesn't have the health benefits that it had in the past which was you know, the cruciferous part of the of the plant.

Keith McKeever 31:38

It definitely doesn't taste like much and I heard somewhere not too long ago that, you know, broccoli and cauliflower are like in the same plant family or something in there. They're like genetically, almost exactly the same. Um, I don't know how true that is. But

Siannon Lee 31:57

yeah, it's um, I've not looked at a side by side comparison of the of the DNA of broccoli and cauliflower, but they're, they're probably they're pretty close, I would say. And even still with with cauliflower, you know, I don't I don't know how much they've skewed the genetics of it as well, but I would anything that's healthy, they probably have have messed with it quite a bit. I mean, there's nothing that's, you know, that's not been genetically modified in some ways. And that's really what you want to look for is things that are GMO free. Number one, when it comes to packaging, I think people go into a store. And you know, they just picked up off the off the shelf and they don't really like to think about what it is. I mean, turn it over. Look at the ingredients. Like you said, if you can't pronounce half of them, you don't have any clue what they're doing. One of the big thing is, and it's kind of been in for the carnivore diet. For me that's been a little bit irritating and upsetting is, and I don't drink milk, per se, cow's milk, but I do drink heavy cream in my coffee, right? So there's heavy cream in my coffee. But you really want to watch heavy cream, half and half light creams, all of those for a product that's called polysorbate 80. Do you not want to eat anything with polysorbate 80 in it? Because it goes into the brain and destroys the brain cells similar to Mercury and aluminum and graphene oxide. Wow. Yeah. So. So there's a lot you need to educate you know yourself on what it is but some common sense. You know what I'm saying? Like you just said common sense. Like I I can't pronounce this. I can't read it. We shouldn't be putting it in my body. I probably shouldn't be consuming it. And that's a really good, hard, fast rule.

Keith McKeever 34:00

Like I even stopped drinking a lot of soda. I'll have a soda every now and then. I'm like, Look, do I really need all this stuff that's in there. No, at least I know. My pin anyway. Like if I make a cup of coffee. It's grown coffee and water. Right and maybe stuff in my water. But you know, it's still gotta be healthier than drinking soda. People. Here's a trick about putting Coca Cola in your toilet to clean it for crying out loud, like that should say no. Heartburn issues. And I've noticed like when I stopped drinking regular soda, yeah, that has gotten better. You know, and I started going to a company called Zevia it's more naturally sweetened and stevia. Anyway, they're really good. You know, I've really gotten to to enjoy those. So it's all about finding alternatives. But you got to really, and I'm guilty of it. There's some things I look at at the store. Other things I haven't flipped the box of pasta over and read it or a can of vegetables or I'm just trying to think of other things, but you know, yeah. Let's stick a little non GMO that's like, really tiny. All

Siannon Lee 35:11

right, well, and you can't, you can't get everything that's, that's non GMO. It's, it's, you know, seemingly impossible. But if you are aware, and you're paying attention, then get as much as you can, because anybody that's not eating a non GMO diet and or organic diet, we're exposed to over 2 million toxins a day. 2 million toxins, that's a lot of toxins for your liver, to have to deal with. On top of dealing with the fruit the sugar cycle, right. And so toxins and in the, in the sugar cycle, and when it's constantly so you we were talking about the sodas, you have high fructose corn syrup, you know, you have your fruit juices, you have regular corn syrup, you have sugar, you have cane sugar, people need to be aware of that number one high fructose corn syrup, it actually goes into the brain and it switches off, you know, a receptor in your brain that tells you that you're full. And it also, it's also processed in your body differently. And there's a lot of bread on the market that has high fructose corn syrup in it. Like right at the top. So so people

Keith McKeever 36:34

keep eating bread more and more and more.

Siannon Lee 36:36

Yes, exactly. And pasta. Pasta doesn't have that high fructose corn syrup in it. A lot of the spaghetti sauces do have it. Because they like like the real you know, they like to put it in there. So you really want to watch what kind of sugar is in, in everything and, and a little secret of labeling. So when they put sugar in it now if it doesn't say cane sugar, then it's a beet sugar. And beet sugar is a GMO product, high GMO product along with corn, and soy, which are corn and soy which are the other are actually the two biggest GMO, of course, yeah. And soy. Soy is is everywhere, everywhere. So I'm

Keith McKeever 37:23

in the heartland of corn and soybeans. So yeah. They're all kinds of genetically modified seed varieties that farmers are planting and stuff. So there's a

Siannon Lee 37:34

ton of it out there. Yeah. And there is so not only are they GMO, but they're highly pesticide it as well.

Keith McKeever 37:40

Yeah, they, they spray a lot of things on the fields. And so I guess, maybe a good piece of advice to everybody is, take some time Sunday and go to the grocery store, think about things that you eat, and then start looking at the different variety. Look at the pasta aisle, or the pasta sauce you mentioned a few minutes ago, right? Most of the stores I go into, there's like probably 60 different varieties of pasta sauce. Yeah, there's got to be a couple of options in there that tastes good. And it would be healthier. So take the time and go figure out figure out what they are. Yeah, figure out what the price is take them home, test them try and see if they even taste good.

Siannon Lee 38:18

Right. Adapting that

Keith McKeever 38:20

to your menu.

Siannon Lee 38:22

Yeah, um, and there are are good ones out there. You know, just you want to really there's there's just different factors that you're taking into consideration which is tomatoes, which are highly GMO and, and the varieties of tomatoes and also where they grown. You know, what kind of sugar is in it. And even if they you know, if they use carrots, so you're looking looking at the carbs, right because they could sweeten it with carrots which a major restaurant chain here does and their their sauce is delicious, but carrots are highly glycemic. So if you're looking and you're trying to lose some weight, well number one you shouldn't be eating pasta, but if you're still eating tomatoes, if you're still eating if you're eating tomato sauce, you really want to be aware of that the carrots are high high high glycemic. So best to get imported pasta, if you can and also imported tomatoes, to be honest and then you know kind of make it yourself and it's not difficult like it you can probably you not probably but you can make better pasta sauce than all of those jars mostly on the shelves by just taking some you know crushed tomatoes, depending on the consistency. You know, use your food processor, whip it up put some oregano in it, you know, salt, obviously pepper, and I use amino I use liquid amino acids. Brad's Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids it gives it a it's kind of has a soy type flavor. Um, but it it just lends to, like an umami flavor or like a very, you know, umami is like a, what's that word that I'm looking for it so savory, very savory kind of flavor. Okay. And butter.

Keith McKeever 40:18

Yeah, there you go. And you can also grow and grow your own making garden plot, because it's a good exercise right on top of the healthier you can exercise. Yeah, we tend to your garden. So out there in a lawn chair and watch it grow.

Siannon Lee 40:31

I worked on a tomato farm for a number of years in upstate New York and, and it was awesome. I mean, we we made fresh tomato sauce every single week and sold it. It was great. But yeah, so definitely there's there's a lot of therapy and in growing your own food.

Keith McKeever 40:48

Absolutely. Well, the next thing I want to talk to you about it, you really can't grow but CBD. So how is how is CBD been influential in your life? How have you used it?

Siannon Lee 41:00

Well, you know, aside from you know, being part of that 70 show back in the day before the military it's you know, I've always known that it it had a place and it wasn't a drug. I mean, it is there's a psychoactive component of it obviously the THC is a psychoactive component. And it does help some situations like Parkinson's and people with MS you know, mobility issues and that kind of thing. But for the most part, it's, it's the CBD in the plant in the hemp plant that is the most potent of the healing compounds in it. However, the challenge in the past there's so there's a lot of growers, there's a lot of CBD out on the market. You know, right now it's, it's everywhere. And there's no there's nobody out there saying like, okay, well what kind of milligrams do I need. So number one dosing people have no idea like dosage wise. And this is kind of has carried through the supplement industry. And that's how I how I got started with my business partner was in the supplement industry. And so we started an Ayurvedic medicine. And back after I left Virginia Beach and got out of the military, because I felt so bad from the effects of Gulf War illness. And so he knew, so it started with with detox. CBD might have played a part in that at that. Time, but in in a different way. Obviously, there weren't tinctures, and there weren't gummies. And there weren't, you know, all these different products, but you know, just kind of sitting around the card table and you know, talking about health and wellness, and that person, that person, and so on and so forth. So, always wanting it, believing that it had some some health benefits, but not really knowing. And so in 1990, I believe it's 90 or 91, they had released the information on the endocannabinoid system, which every single person has, and every animal has. And you make endocannabinoids in your own system, but depending on your, you know, your stress levels, and your environment, they can be used up very, very quickly and very easily. So it's a paradigm of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which is, you know, your, it's the vagus nerve, you know, and there's CBD cells in receptor cells in every, you know, in the cells of your body similar to iodine. And so if you're not making them, or you're making them and they're being used up, then you're deficient, right? So just like, and most people are deficient, and that actually CBD can controls and balances every other system in your body. So when you're deficient, again, like if you're deficient in magnesium, or you're deficient in iodine, you're deficient in, in calcium or anything that you're deficient in of what you actually need. There's going to be some symptoms that come along with that. And it's, you know, what does that look like? You know, if it's iodine, a lot of people, obviously, it's a thyroid issue, or they're losing their hair, or it gets to the point where you have tachycardia and, and, you know, those kinds of symptoms and they're like, oh, something's wrong with my heart. It's not your heart. It's thyroid. It's your adrenals you know, and that kind of thing, but you don't have the ECB See the

Siannon Lee 45:02

components to help regulate the endocannabinoid system, which is part of the endocrine system and the endocrine system is all of a hormones, right? And so your hormones, really, they play a huge, huge, huge role in your overall health. Because they can really dictate how, you know, at any given moment how you're feeling because it's attached to your emotions, right? So yeah, you know, you can feel extreme joy, or you can feel extreme rage. And what's, you know, the difference between those two emotions on a physiological level, right? If you're joyful, and you're happy, then you're releasing serotonin and dopamine and all those who happy you feel good hormones. Well, how do you think that makes your body feel right, it supports your body and makes you feel good. Like you, I like to feel that way. It's kind of like, kind of like the CBD, right? So you know, in the serotonin, but is also, you know, the CBD helps increase the serotonin in your body. And so that actually has an effect on pain, and the dopamine and pain and how your brain responds to pain. And in a sense, it changes it, it changes the way that your body perceives pain in the brain, when you take it on an internal level, through that through the oils. Now, the dirty little secret of the CBD industry is that number one, many of the products that are on the market come from the same manufacturer. And when we talk about the THC, and labeling again, technically, they're allowed to label THC free, even though it's a it's a broad spectrum, and there's still point three 2.5% THC in the product. And not everybody has the enzymes to be able to break THC down, it can make them anxious, even at that amount for animals, you know, even the size of a German Shepherd. If he drank the whole bottle, it could and probably would kill them. Because they definitely don't have any of that so and what they're doing now they say so you've got a tincture, that's like a one ounce tincture. And a tincture, by definition is diluted down, typically between between 10 to 20%. And then the rest of what's in that bottle is a carrier oil. And so what's the carrier oil, generally they'll use MCT, which is comes from coconut. And there's a process to you know, separate the MCT from the coconut oil, which involves generally chemicals and solvents, so to speak, and then whatever else that they might be putting in there, additives and fillers and whatnot. And then there's only 10% of that bottle is CBD and I've actually recently learned the number one white label company in this country actually brings theirs down to only 2%. So 2% of that bottle is CBD, and the other 98% is bullcrap. And you're paying a shit ton of money for it. And it really kind of pisses me off if you can't tell,

Keith McKeever 48:34

because that's why when you're using it, and however you're using it, those people probably ended up giving up on it because you're like, well, this doesn't work. This doesn't work out of

Siannon Lee 48:43

it. That's right. And people go, this does not work for me. And if they finally and they might keep going on to somebody else's somebody else's. And it could be the same frickin product. You just don't you just don't know, right?

Keith McKeever 48:55

May have 4% Or maybe 10%. Right, you know, no, no.

Siannon Lee 48:58

Yeah, exactly. And so you take more and in a lot of people, you know, tell me and I know, because I've tried them in the past, I've spent tons of money, you know, for CBD in the past. And I felt that same way. I was like, this didn't work for me. But I there's something that's not right. And I just don't you know, I don't know what I don't know. I feel tired, feel groggy, not feeling motivated, which is, you know, the THC part, of course. But it wasn't, it wasn't working. That's all I could say. It just wasn't working. And I didn't really, I couldn't understand why And so fast forward many years, you know, past that, and I've done, you know, recommend supplements all the time to our clients. You know, things that I know that work for detoxification and getting stuff out of the cells that don't belong there, so that you can have optimal metabolic performance from where you are, you know, and so on. I came across a company, a producer, that just like, totally blew my mind when I talked to them and and they said, Well, you know, we have this product. You know, we have this plant that was preserved by the Amish community. That is 100%, zero THC, like none whatsoever, not even a trace. And it's a full spectrum, which normally people would like, you're full of crap, right? It just that doesn't that doesn't happen unless it's an isolate, which doesn't do anything. That's an isolate is one strand, CBD works best. There's hundreds of strands, and it works best synergistically within all those other strands. Right? And so to have one strand of CBD isolate, don't waste your money, right? Pay attention to what you're buying. The other, you know, thought to that is this plant was preserved by the Amish. For decades, centuries, whatever it took them I don't know, but they bred out the THC in the plant. So it's 100% CBD rich. It's it's, it's the most amazing product I've ever seen. It's pure, it's first cold pressed 100% oil. That's extra virgin. It doesn't need carrier oils. It doesn't do you take a carrier oil with butter in order for it to get into your cells. By weird, yeah, you don't do that. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't increase its efficacy. It's it doesn't do anything,

Keith McKeever 51:48

I guess increasing is the company's profit margins.

Siannon Lee 51:51

That's right, that's right. 100% 1,000% You know, it's ridiculous. It doesn't need a carrier oil. It's just, that's the only reason that they do it because it makes it go further. And so and that MCT it's a medium chain triglycerides so that in and of itself, you might have some effect on you know of it, because when you put CBD with anything, it's going to increases the efficacy of the other products. Right? So you'll see it paired with with different things, like the sleep kind is for like theanine, or, you know, Valerian or covers, you know, some other kind of herb right that that causes calm, so to speak, and or sleep. But yeah, it increases that But why, if you just give them all the CBD, that's all they need. That's all you need for sleep. It's an you know, you don't need all those herbs for your liver to have to process through along with the high fructose corn syrup and the MSG and all the other

Keith McKeever 52:59

all the other 1000s of chemicals.

Siannon Lee 53:04

Yeah, so this product is. So we just were like we're, this grower is you know, once everything pure, and it's so it's 100% oil, there's nothing that's added to it. And so in our bottle, that's it's it's 100% Well, and so their bottle that has two to 20% CBD, you are going to run out within a month, generally speaking, the highest milligram image that I've seen, which and I mark it to the pet industry a lot, and horses and that kind of thing. But it's it's no different. It's the same product for people and for pets because we all have endocannabinoid systems, they all do the same thing. And but the highest that I've seen for horses is like 7500 milligrams. And that only lasts a month, because you have to take like a half a dropper to a full dropper in order to get a decent dose of CBD right because they're not putting anything in there. So our oil, that's 100% oil is three drops is 200 milligrams of CBD. Now you can't overdose on just CBD. There's just no such thing. If you take too much. The benefits, there's no negative side effects. The only positive side effects is that you're filling up the receptors in your cells, or your body to deal with what it deals with on a regular basis. So that's trillions of trillions of cells that need those CBD compounds in order to help balance out the system bring it back to homeostasis for optimal performance. So it If you drink the whole bottle of my wild branch botanicals, CBD, there's no negative side effect, you're not going to the bathroom, you don't need to go to the hospital just, you just got to be really chill and not a high, there's no high, it's just a really calm, life is good blue skies, butterflies, green grass, and you know, no after effect not running to the bathroom or anything like that just nothing. So, your your children, your baby, your pets, anybody you know gets into it. And you can use it on demand like you if you're have a stressful situation. So you took your three for that morning, which is, you know, usual dosage three in the morning, three in the evening, but you're in the middle of the day and something stressful just happened or you're anxious about whatever, then you just take more. And there's, you can take as much as you want, as much as you need. And it's only going to support your body and there's no, it's only positive effects. So. And that bottle, that one ounce bottle has 312 servings. And so the CBD is 64,200 milligrams in that bottle of of oil in that one ounce bottle of oil. So it is literally the highest potency of CBD that you can get on the market that nobody knows about.

Keith McKeever 56:33

Well, hopefully if you few more people know about it now. And I've had to scroll across the bottom while branch dot stores your website down there at the bottom. And I know you've got a couple different options on there have a look, but you have like a like a bomb or something that can rub and you got the oil drops any other products out there.

Siannon Lee 56:53

Yep, yeah. So the oil, the oil and the bomb, you know, work again, synergistically together, right? Because if you have pain on the outside, if you got pain in your knees arthritis, it was specifically actually the bomb was the first product that was created for the growers. The producers father in law had crippling neuropathy. He was always an active man ran marathons ran, you know, 10 K's whatever, super active guy, and but had diabetes. And you know, older and he to the point that, you know, he just couldn't even walk anymore. And so he was suicidal. And so they were desperate to find something to help him and they're in the area, they went to the Amish people and ask them and the Amish shared this, this plant with them and gave them the rights to to grow it commercially and for the benefit of people. So the sab works super fast, like under 10 minutes. And we put two and a half times more CBD in it, then any product on the market. And there's only three ingredients in it. So it's very simple. And you can pronounce them all and know what they all are. Nice. Yeah. And the oil is only one ingredient. And so and so when it comes to pain and neuropathy, it's actually in the period of lobes of the head of the brain. And so you need to take the oil with that. And we pretty much you know, promote those two together anyways, because any kind of pain if if you're feeling it on the outside, imagine what it's doing, like deep on the inside, because that's where it starts, right it just, it doesn't just show up out of nowhere. So it's coming from someplace else, which you know, so the CBD oil will help your body overall recovered deal with the pain and heal. So nothing in this kind of big point of CBD, nothing can heal, if there's inflammation. If you have a plant based focus diet, you're inflamed, and you're going you're going to be inflamed. So, that kind of goes back to the carnivore diet, why I choose that because it is a non inflammatory diet, it is an elimination diet, which means it you know, it gives your body it gives your intestines time to heal. It allows you know when there the inflammation is gone, the blood can move and things can heal up. And so the same with with CBD is highly anti inflammatory, highly highly, highly anti inflammatory, so it allows the body to heal on its own and yet also is supporting all of the other the other systems as well. So and then of course the protein for for the carnivore you've got your protein and you want to eat fatty, fatty meats and For the most part, but beef, it's what's for dinner. That's awesome. Yeah. And it's also the best for mental health. If you do research and it comes to mental health, the carnivore diet is the best diet for mental health, clarity, focus, and emotional intelligence, so to speak. And Happy, happy, happy, feel good. So, fat and protein, don't put fat with carbs, that equals fat. And, and you'll find that you have to you don't have to eat as much if you're eating, because because a lot of nutrients. And so your satiety comes from your nutrients, right, you can. And it would be synthetic, of course, but if there if there was a pill like the Jetsons, and I always wish that there was a we can just pop in and have all the nutrients we want and not at be synthetic.

Siannon Lee 1:00:58

That's where your satiety comes from. And it's triggered in your brain, actually, unless you're eating high fructose corn syrup, and it's not being triggered. But yeah, so beef is loaded with B vitamins. The biggest thing on the diet, though, and it's very simple diet, which a lot of people appreciate it when it comes to cooking, you know, preparation and cooking. And they think, oh, that's, that's really expensive. But what's more expensive, is it more expensive to have to eat five or six meals a day of all carbs in order to keep your metabolism going. And it's like throwing Kindle on the fire, right? That's what you're doing all day long with with your carbs. It's like paper, right? And then give me a big old, you know, ribeye, a fatty ribeye. And you put that, well, that's a long burning, you know, it doesn't take the meat long to process but the fat is, is burning, stoking your energy for many, many hours. And so you'll find that you're not as hungry. And there's, there's a transition, you know, between obviously the two, you'd have to get fat adapted. So if you're not fat adapted, and that's probably one of the the most challenging things is getting fat adapted. And getting enough fat. Because, and that doesn't mean like throw butter, you know, in everything. So although butter straight,

Keith McKeever 1:02:21

you really need to be very conscious of it slowly transition into. Yeah, transitioning is like any other diet really. I mean, you should very, you know, research it, test it out, try it and keep building up until you've, you know, got it all figured out. And working for you.

Siannon Lee 1:02:41

Yeah, we usually say, you know, start with 30 days, if you can get to 30 days, get to 60 days get to 90 days, you will be amazed and then you know, get to the whole year, you'll be amazed what you know, what changes you will be a whole new person it completely. Because your your the structure of your body totally changes, you know, you get very lean, because you're not inflamed. Things have deep healing. And it's, I say optimal for a lot of people. But if you are one of those people that have thyroid issues, or have had a mold exposure, those are the two that that we come across that that can have some challenges. And so they may need to have a little bit of complex carbs, certain carbs in their diet before and because you have to clean that up before you can before you can have a real positive experience on the carnivore diet. And the other thing is you have to make sure that you have enough your electrolytes have to be have to be good. So you got to make sure that you salt things and I don't mean Morton's iodized salt that is a chemical fire. That was a chemical fire to your body. I'm talking real salt, Redmond's Real Salt on on everything. Because it's, it's really, really important. If you don't use enough salt, you will you can you can feel crappy. So and if you don't have enough fat, you can feel crappy. So, but carbs make you hold water. And so you're you're releasing all of that water, you know, on this on this diet. And so that along with the CBD, which is you know, helping on the healing level, getting rid of more inflammation, and on the mental level. The Sleep is phenomenal. Like you will never sleep so hard. The PTSD has been the it's so fast the way that it works, and it's amazing Uh, with with PTSD and so I, you know, I work with veterans every day and, and people that have serious PTSD that that use it and it works really, really fast just if an issues that comes back up because PTSD, I really believe it's the body keeps the Keeps the Score, right, it tells the story. And so those are just coming from hormones, which is part of the endocrine system, right. And so it's that that fight or flight and you are exposed to what was a life, kind of maybe threatening, there was something that caused fear, right. And so those fear hormones are very, very powerful, and they make an imprint, you know, into your cells. And so the CBD helps to, you know, bring you back into, you know, balance those hormones out. So if you're, you're going into an in, so call it an episode, I don't know what to call it, right? If you go into an episode where, you know, it's a PTSD moment, so to speak, which sometimes can last, however long that moment lasts, right? It's different for every person. But it's like it, it's kind of like an epileptic attack as a matter of fact, to the CBD is super powerful. I mean, feel like an epileptic attack is coming on. Most people know, when it's coming on, sometimes PTSD can take you by surprise, because you weren't expecting this, you know, you weren't expecting to see that. And that it would trigger that reaction. But to have the CBD on hand and take it while you're experiencing it, it moves, it just moves through under the tongue, like, you know, 10 seconds, 20 seconds more whatever, in the belly button, whatever you can do, it moves through quickly. And it's not actually just, it's healing it. It's healing that emotional, that emotional scar. And so it eventually will be, it will be out, I don't know how long that takes for people. You know, I would say it very manages it very well. And then to the fact that over time, it becomes like instead of here, where it's right, right there, you're living in re experiencing it. It's it's way way back and in the emotional aspect is gone from it. So it's interesting. Yeah,

Keith McKeever 1:07:20

what I appreciate all the all the nuggets of information, CBD carnivore diet and PTSD. And I think that is good, as you know, any viewers listeners a lot of things to kind of stew over and think, Okay, can I add this? Can I add that? Can I add both of them together? You know, is this something that's going to work for me, and I appreciate all that education. You know, for all those men and women out there, and you know, it might send somebody on a path to to ending that, you know, that knee pain or helping with PTSD or just making them not feel sick every day, you know, because changing the way they eat. So I appreciate that I appreciate you being here for for although the viewers, while branched off store scrolling across the bottom, it'll be in the show notes too, for all the listeners. And we'll have some other links in there. We talked about that before we recorded. So don't worry, we'll have all kinds of information and resources there. And if you need to connect with Shannon, I don't know if she knows this, but on my website, I have all my past guests on there, I have their headshot and a link to their LinkedIn. So once this record, she'll be on there. If you got questions for I'm sure she'll answer them, just head on over to LinkedIn and and send her a message.

Siannon Lee 1:08:38

Yeah, absolutely. We always, you know, we like to talk to people, people that obviously buy the product, we always want to keep in touch with them, we want to hear hear their stories here, you know, what their reactions, their responses have been, how they've used it, and that kind of thing. And we also like to, you know, get an idea of what, what they're dealing with, because we have so much, you know, knowledge that we've come through over 25 years of things that that they can do, and that they can, you know, that can help them feel better on a holistic level. And, you know, move them into, you know, a transformation of, of, you know, of optimal health. And that's what's really important to us, because, you know, if you don't have your health, then then it's, it can be a real challenge every day, your mental health goes down, everything, you know, kind of follows with that. So it's really important that that people feel good, and that's what, what drives us and to get the word out and get the information out. And so we're always an open book about you know, the things that help and and that's why we share we share that knowledge that we've learned over the over the past 25 years. So it can be a lot you know, it can be a lot and it's you know, there's so much as we've said misinformation disinformation. You got to be able to weed through it and know what's right, that can take a lot of time. And you can make, you can make a lot of mistakes and you can spend a lot of money. So, you know, we can help you to really kind of cut that time in half. So

Keith McKeever 1:10:18

this is one of those things where a lot of people don't know about a lot of things too. Right? Oh, nutrition, things like that everybody's level of knowledge, all that it's going to be all over the all over the place. So.

Siannon Lee 1:10:27

Exactly, exactly. So but thank you so much. I really appreciate you letting me you know, getting getting on here and sharing that information with people. You know, just so that they they they have a better awareness of what's what's going on out there and what the products are out on the market. And you know, they can they can make educated decisions and not just just oh, this you know, this looks good. Yeah, and so, yes, also my my veterans of course, were that come to the store, they get the highest discount at 22% off the products. So we'll have Keith will have a code in his in his notes so that you can make sure that you get that discount.

Keith McKeever 1:11:17

Yep. So you're gonna have to read you're gonna have to look at the show notes. I have to go there, go, go get that discount, support another veteran. That's always a good thing to do. And Shannon, once again, I appreciate you being here and spreading the information and, and educating some of our brothers and sisters. Thank you, Keith. All right, there we go. Folks, remember, you can go check out my website, battle buddy podcast.net for all kinds of resources and information, always trying to add more stuff to it. So if you see something that's not there, that shouldn't be there. Please send me a message so we can figure out a way to add it there. And if you're struggling, the National Suicide Hotline number is 800-273-8255 or you can text 838255


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