Veteran PCS

Army veteran, Jason Anderson, realized when getting into real estate during the pandemic that the way veterans connect with VA loan experts on other platforms just doesn't work well or benefit the agent and buyer.  Veteran PCS is a website built to connect the military community with veteran and military spouse real estate agents and lenders around the country.  On top of matching veterans with qualified agents, they also have a rebate program that gives back to the buyer with a bonus after closing.  This bonus can be used for whatever moving expenses a service member or veteran could need. 

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Transcript from Episode 73 with Jason Anderson:

Keith McKeever

Welcome to the battle buddy podcast with Keith McKeever.

Keith McKeever

Welcome back. If you've thought about buying a house, are you gonna buy a house? Maybe if you're gonna sell a house, you need to pay attention today. Got Jason Anderson on with veteran PCs, we're gonna talk about real estate. Before I do, make sure you hit that like and subscribe button, make sure you follow. Also make sure I'll have Jason's information scrolling at the bottom here. There goes, make sure you check out his website, check out the things that he's got going on. So without further ado, I have Jason Anderson. Welcome, Jason.

Jason Anderson

Hey, good to see ya.

Keith McKeever

Good to have you on here, finally. So tell us a little bit about your what's your military story? Like, give us a little bit of your background and catch us up to you know who you are today?

Jason Anderson

Yeah, yeah. So I grew up in the Midwest in Minnesota. So up north, really? Minnesota, and then went to school in North Dakota. And yeah, had big, you know, big goals of flying for the military since I was kid. And yeah, and that's good. The school had an aviation program that tied in with ROTC. So I went through ROTC for the army. And, yeah, and then it got your right into aviation for active duty as a commissioned officer. So went in, did that in 2012, is when I commissioned and then went straight to flight school. ended up selecting the Apache helicopter, and, and then shipped off to Korea was my first year flew there and South Korea for Yeah, a number of different areas. And it was a really cool experience got a chance to be a platoon leader. And, and then wanted to deploy. So I was talking, you know, one year is the minimum. And then a lot of people do either two or three. But I was at that point, it was like 2013. And a lot of people were saying like, Oh, you know, the war in Afghanistan is ending and everybody's coming back. And I was like, well, shoot, I have to get on like one of these last deployments. So yeah, so I got orders to Fort Bragg. They were the next unit that was beaming. And, yeah, shipped off to Fort Bragg. And then left on a deployment to Afghanistan about a week after getting there, which is great. So basically went from Korea, made a quick little stuff in the states and then did a deployment in Afghanistan in 2014, and 15, which is about nine months. And then. Yeah, and then had another year and a half or so at Fort Bragg went to the career course in Alabama. So Fort Rucker and then took command here in Colorado. So Fort Carson. Yeah, it was part of 617 Calf here. And we did a rotation to Europe. So I got to fly in Germany, Poland, and in Greece. And yeah, finished up company command or trip command there. And then decided to get off. So got out in 2020 after just shy of eight years total, and, and then ended up making a switch into real estate. So here I am.

Keith McKeever

Well, there's a couple of interesting things to unpack. Let's I want to go back to the beginning here. Was that high school or college that had a flight program?

Jason Anderson

So it was college she was the University of North Dakota. Yeah, kind of like Embry Riddle. So you know, you can you can go through like commercial aviation degree, or several different aviation degrees flight in college. And then when you graduate, you've got your commercial pilot's license.

Keith McKeever

Typically, it's pretty sweet. I don't think there's a whole lot of places that are offering that. I mean, I know there's flight schools and stuff around, but to couple that with college, that's pretty neat. It's pretty cool. It was always like, way too. Cool. I mean, who wants to do that? Right? I mean, if anybody's listening, I don't think I have a whole lot of listeners that are probably in high school. But if you got kids that are thinking about joining the military and want to be a pilot, maybe that's a good place to look to get their degree at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone, right? Yeah, definitely got to fly all over the place. This sounds like some pretty cool, neat places to fly but, but you got out and 2020 So I'm curious, what was that transition like for you? Because it's different for everybody. But I mean, to get out during the pandemic, that had to be kind of crazy.

Jason Anderson

Yeah, it was I wanted to stay here in Colorado Springs. So I was fortunate to be able to do one of the internship programs through the army, so their CSP internship here locally and then found a job out Um, that was here. So I just wanted to stay in Colorado Springs. You know, I had moved, I don't know, like, I think it was nine times in seven years. And I was like, Alright, I just want to stay here for a little while, kind of get set up.

Keith McKeever

If I gotta pack it up one thing, but moving across the countries that it's a whole different ballgame.

Jason Anderson

Yeah, and I like to hear. So I ended up finding a job here doing sales within IT company. And, yeah, it was a total change from, you know, military and aviation, everything like that. And ended up becoming remote through the pandemic. So it kind of went from the very, you know, high paced and high stress lot of times to, to work in mainly from home. And it was like, wow, this is very different. I was fortunate to be able to, you know, always retain or like, keep a job. So that was good. And then, yeah, as I was kind of working remotely. And during COVID, during that job, that's when I was like, Well, I kind of feel like doing, you know, I was always pretty entrepreneurial, and wanted to do something that was one of the reasons for transitioning, I was always had some goals of working for myself. So yeah, I ended up getting my real estate license during COVID. And then that's kind of what kicked off, you know, veteran PCs and all that.

Keith McKeever

Okay. So going to tell us what, you know, what was the inspiration behind that are PCs? And I guess maybe you need to tell us exactly what what it is what you're trying to do there first. Yeah,

Jason Anderson

yeah. The story with it. So when I got license, I was looking around and trying to figure out what and like, how do you like when people get orders? Or they're getting ready to move? Where do they go? To find it? Like an agent or a lender that they can trust? And, yeah, looked around. And there are there are some, you know, websites and stuff like that out there. But a lot of them had some pretty steep, like monthly fees, and costs associated with them. And yeah, sometimes it's it's not easy for like, you know, a veteran or military spouse that's just kind of getting started to be, you know, starting to spend 1000s of dollars per month to be part of programs or get leads and stuff like that.

Keith McKeever

Because it's expensive. And it's

Jason Anderson

a simple right, everything cost Yeah, everything seems to have high fees to it. So. And not a lot of people would know that. Like there's, you know, some of the really big websites out there that most people go to, they like here in Colorado, some agents will pay over $10,000 a month for a single zip code. And I was like, what that is crazy. So I was like, Man, why isn't there just a simple, honest website that just features veterans and military spouses that are across the country doesn't have to be part it's, you know, open to different brokerages. So I don't have any partnerships with brokerages, I don't have any partnerships with like lending companies or anything like that there's no strings attached, there's, there's, you know, nothing weird to it, it's just an easy way to actually see names and faces of people. And then and then you can just click click to get in contact with an agent from the site, it's really simple, you just put in your contact information, all it does is just gives the agent that contact info. And then that client would also get the agents information. So the website just kind of makes it easy to get in contact with the agents. And, and then Yep, and then we just kind of follow up and track everything throughout the process. And and then I wanted to make a system where it it helps serve you know, the the agents and the lenders as much as it was serving the families. So we designed it around a referral, you know, fee so that's common in real estate. And, and then part of the you know, we're able to give a bonus back to the military families after they close on a home. You know, so the, the website's free to use, it's free for agents to be listed on there. There's no like startup costs or anything like that. There's Yeah, nothing weird about it for you know, military families or anything like that. They can go on there get connected with an agent. completely free to use and then yeah, after they close it and get a move and bonus. And then another option to charity. So yeah, so that was honestly it was kind of the idea that came to be it was like Well, why don't we just make it free for agents to be listed on there so it helps support their businesses. We can we can have you know, part of The the train every transaction, you know, like the revenue or the profits from that transaction can go back to the military family, if we do it as like a form of moving bonus, and so it helps them helps the agents. And yeah, and then we're able to donate to some charities as well. So it's a win win.

Keith McKeever

Kind of like, you know, like eHarmony guy, you know, for looking for real estate, real estate agents. Yeah, you're making matches, you're making life lifelong, deep connections, I'm just kidding. But it's cool for somebody to have a resource because being in the real estate industry, myself, I know some of these other websites that are kind of designed for that. And I get pitched those every now and then, and I go look at it. And like the web design sucks, it's clunky, it's not easy to use. And it's like, I look at these real estate websites all day, every day. If I get annoyed looking at it, the consumer is gonna get annoyed looking at it, and you know that the process is probably going to be bad. Or some of those you put your information in one of the biggest complaints, I've got the big kids on the block, you know, talking about, you put your information in. And it's not just one agent gets your information on some of those websites, it's five or six, they're basically selling it and farmed it out to multiple people. And then now you, you know, you're trying to PCs from point A to point B, and you have a house to sell here and a house to buy there. And now you have like six agents on both ends trying to call you. And it's annoying. And, you know, because not all agents have great processes. And some of them are annoying, and they will call you every day, all day every day for five straight days until you either tell them to screw off or are listed with an unfortunate reality. But you kind of simplify that matchmaking of like, Hey, here's where you're moving, here's the person we got in that area, connect with them. And and I think the beautiful thing about that is that you're giving them that agents contact information. Because communication works both ways. So that's, that's awesome. So tell us a little bit more about this moving bonus and kind of how that works and how that's beneficial for for somebody buying.

Jason Anderson

Yeah, it's, it's a function of the home price. So you know, it scales up and down. It's all on our how it works page. And so if somebody buys a house, you know, in the 300 1000s, they would get $1,000 as a bonus. So that's after closing. And, and then we we you know, mail out these big veteran PCs checks, if you see him on the website. Yeah, again, there's really no like crazy strings attached, we've got some paperwork to do that just has people like affirm their military status, and we don't we send it either a check in the mail, or we can send these been sending it through Zell as well, which is a lot easier. And they can use that for whatever helps with moving costs and, or furniture or really anything that they want. And it's just that's really a bonus. So it's military families, helping military families move is our whole mission. That's our purpose statement and stuff like that. So yeah, if they're not military, so we've had a few clients use it that are, you know, didn't serve. But, you know, maybe have kids that you know, served or, you know, friends are, they're just, they're really supportive of the military, they can still use the website and find an agent, that's easy way to find an agent that, you know, is a veteran or military spouse, they're able to help support their business, and then their bonus, so that $1,000 would go to a charity instead.

Keith McKeever

That's awesome. I'll come back to that here in a second. But the bonus is really, really because you know, whether it's 500 bucks, or 1000, or whatever the amount is. I think that's an overlooked thing in real estate. Sometimes when people buy a house, right, you should know that you have the expenses leading up to the purchase and the closing costs and all that, you know, you have the moving expenses, there's the other ones you don't think about when you get into the house. And, and your wife looks at you and says, you know, honey, I think we need to think we need a rug right here. Or, you know, we weren't we weren't going to paint this room. But now we're going to, or, you know, I just just decided, you know, let's just remodel the bathroom, or whatever the case may be. There's all these little things that kind of come up cleaning supplies, or maybe you're going from two bedroom one bathroom to two. Well now you need an extra set of towels, extra toilet paper, all the extra things to stock up that bathroom, you know, things like that. So there's a there's like an amount of hidden costs that everybody occurs every time they buy a house, the things that you just can't possibly think of. And that helps, but it's But the nonprofits that you're supporting is there was a particular or who you guys decided to support?

Jason Anderson

Yeah, the. So we've done it a couple different ways. So if a, you know, again, kind of back to that, like if somebody that's not military, if they use the site, and they want to just kind of help support the military community, they can. We did that here in Colorado Springs. And then I worked with them to see if there's a if there's a military, you know, focus charity that they like, or that they want to support. So yeah, one of our previous clients, they closed here locally. And he works closely with Mount Carmel Veterans Center here, Colorado Springs. So we were able to just do the moving bonus to that charity, and he was able to, like present the check and everything like that. So. So that's one way. And then just with, you know, our proceeds and stuff like that we do, we've been doing once a quarter. So one of the charities that we've found and started to support is called wear blue run to remember. It's a really cool organization. And, yeah, a big story behind that Lisa Hallett is the founder of it, and she lost her husband. Let's see, I think it was around 2009, I remember and ran, you know, started running with some friends to help just process you know, grief and build, you know, some community and be able to, yeah, just have some have some sort of, you know, connection and processing through it. And it turned into this awesome nonprofit organization. So, there's running groups that are all over the country now. And it's focused on Gold Star families, and then gold star kids. So they do some youth mentorship programs. So that, you know, gold star kids, they've got a, you know, somebody that's in the military, that can be a good positive image and stuff like that on the military. And, and then yeah, just it's a good way to connect with fellow families, and, you know, veterans and Gold Star families, gold star kids. It is all through running. So, you know, some people are like, Oh, no, like, I don't want anything to do with running.

Keith McKeever

Don't run as much anymore. I'm just saying. You should probably try that we should probably try to start running.

Jason Anderson

Yeah, so a lot of people, you know, they, a lot of times, they'll be walking stuff like that, too. And it's kind of just open to a lot of people come and push their kids in strollers, and they had a big Memorial Day event in Tacoma, Washington, that we were able to say well to run in, and, and then we were able to donate, donate some money afterwards. And that was an awesome event. So they, you know, before the events they will speak, the names have fallen, you know, service members. And people are, it's, it's open, you know, for people to speak the names of people that they know, or have known. And, yeah, just good way to celebrate lives, as well, you know, and the, yeah, tremendous impact and lives that, that they did live in that they had, and, and be able to share that, you know, with people and also do some, you know, some processing and connection. So, yeah, super cool organization, we've been happy to support them. And but always Yeah, open and looking for other organizations that, yeah, that we'd be interested in supporting also.

Keith McKeever

That's, it sounds like a pretty cool organization. I have not heard of them. But we should all do a little bit more to support the Goldstar families. You know, I mean, especially the kids, I cannot possibly fathom, losing a parent. That fast. I lost my father when I was 16. But he had cancer in some way, shape or form, you know, that something like cancer could take their life in it did over months and months. But if you lose somebody in uniform, I mean, you're losing them instantly. They're there one day, they're, they're gone the next minute. And, you know, that's that's got to be a tremendous burden on these kids. That goes all the way into adulthood to so to have somebody to, to lean on to talk to you to mentor them to be there to support them is huge. It's gotta be absolutely huge. So it's pretty cool that that organization is doing that and that you guys are supporting them. Yeah. So the curious on your thoughts on the importance. I know we're kind of biased here because we're both in Real Estate, I don't have another good way to ask the question. But what do you feel is the importance of veterans using veterans to help buy and sell? Real Estate?

Keith McKeever

Yeah, it's,

Jason Anderson

yeah, there's a lot to it that a lot of people might not understand. So specifically, like the VA loan can be a huge part of that. And then, if somebody has PCs that are going through PCs process, there are a lot of nuances with PCs, as well, you know, with orders and timelines, and if orders get changed, and when people have to sign into their unit, if they're going to have leave, they're going to be, you know, in a hotel, with like PTT, why for house hunting, or if they don't have that available, and they just, they need a house to move in right away. So there's a lot of factors that, you know, when you're working with somebody that has been through, you know, PCs, they understand all these terms, and these acronyms, they're thinking of those things for their, their clients. Because there's, you know, when you're moving, there's so much to think about. And, and to do that, you know, if you have somebody else understands that and can help recommend solutions and timelines, because they have that experience, you can just make the whole process that much simpler. And then with the VA loan, specifically, there's a lot that people might not understand with it, or how it works, or even different lenders, you know, the you just search VA loan on Google or something like that, and they'll come up with tons of different companies. That will be, you know, offering, qualification, you know, with VA loan and whatnot. Most of them spend millions of dollars in marketing to, to be, you know, at the top of Google left times and to, to work with a lot of loans, but a lot of people don't understand closing costs, or escrows, or loan origination fees or lender fees, until they get all the way to closing. And then they're like, wait, what do you mean, I owe $8,000, in order to close this house? And no one ever explained that to them. They don't know if that's their only option, or if they have other options. And now they're just days away from closing on a house and wondering like, Okay, I didn't know that I was going to have to, you know, shell out cash, I thought there was, you know, that with the no downpayment, that you know, that there was gonna be no fees. And it's like, well, no, there's, you know, there's no requirement for downpayment, but there still are closing costs and escrows and

Keith McKeever

inspection, fee, moving costs, there's a lot, a lot of things.

Jason Anderson

Yeah, so having somebody that is well versed on the VA loan, how it works, they can talk you through like different lender fees. And, you know, you can get you connected with a couple of different lenders so that you have a better understanding going into it of the expectations, what closing costs, and escrows, what that means, what they look like, what they're going to, you know, kind of their estimate behind it. Talk with a couple of different lenders, again, that are experienced with VA loan to talk through rates. In the current market, you know, we're in a very strange market, we went from one extreme to the, to the other in just about nine months. And, yeah, and then somebody that can actually get that, you know, do a pre approval versus a pre qualification. And a lot of the ad companies and stuff like that, or big companies that people would normally use or think of, may just do a pre qualification where they just, they take a look at whatever your credit score is, and they say, oh, yeah, okay, you're pre qualified for this amount. When that's, it's not the whole case. So a lender, you know, specifically, I mean, all the lenders that are on veteran PCs, they're all veterans and military spouses, and they, they, you know, are well versed in the VA loan there. There's a lot of lenders that are not veterans and military spouses that are really good with a VA loan as well. But, yeah, you know, working with somebody that's been in the military, they understand how to read and how to look at like your certificate of eligibility and, and go through a full pre approval process where they look at income assets, debt to income ratio, and see like, you know, does this person actually qualify? Or are they approved for a loan that's gonna be 4000? Because you don't want to you know, some of the horror stories are people are pre qualified for 400,000 Let's say and they get a house under contract, they pay for the inspection, they might pay for the appraisal, and then, you know, as they're trying to get the this loan through underwriting. The underwriter says, Oh, well like half this income doesn't count because they've haven't had it for long enough for it can't be proved or it's commission based or self employed, or you know, all these different factors, and they actually only qualify for, you know, let's say a $320,000 loan, and now, they can't buy that house and they're out, you know, well over 1000 bucks in costs for the inspection, maybe appraisal, you know, different things, and now they have to restart all over again. And, you know, lose out on this house maybe delays their move timeline, maybe they have to stay in a hotel, like, there's a lot that can go wrong. So working with people that are really knowledgeable in the VA loan, you know, especially, you know, veterans and military spouses can just have a, there's a different level of trust and connection, a lot of times, that's just inherent to the military community, and, and looking out for each other, you know, to make sure that we're all you know, we're being taken care of, and we're kind of taking care of our own.

Keith McKeever

No one understands us, like us. We were unique as veterans, I don't care what branch you served at, we're, we're unique, and nobody really understands us. But us, I mean, sometimes, I mean, I've been out for 11 years. And I mean, sometimes I feel still feel like an outsider, different places. But just a good point scenario of like, there's people that didn't serve that are great. They're absolute experts in the VA loan. And there's a lot of veterans that, you know, that that really, they just they get it, they know no more. There's so many myths, there's so many other things that are out there like the downpayment, right? Like, oh, there's no downpayment, well, if you have a service connected disability, you don't have the funding fee. But if you're still in, you're gonna have a funding fee. And that changes by if it's your second or third use, whatever. So that changes. So you have your closing costs, your down payment, and your funding fee. Well, with the VA, you don't have the down payment, but you still might have the other two, or just one. And so you kind of got to know those details, because it's important. And when your PCs, and if you've been through a PCS before, you know, you might get orders and be gone for two weeks, you might get orders, and I have to leave for two months, three months, four months, whatever. Civilians don't get that, you know, they don't really ask that question of like, what's your timeline? Okay, how much time did the military give you, okay? In this market, if you're trying to find a house where there's like, no inventory, and you've got two weeks to find something, I hate to say it, but you're up a creek without a paddle, it's gonna be almost impossible to find something. But knowledge is half the battle. You just got to kind of get into that market. And you know, what you're looking at, and a good agent who has an eye on the market and understands the VA loan will be good for you, you know, and you mentioned the approval. Boy, that might be one of the best pieces of advice anybody can get. We in the market has changed, but it's still a seller's market, at least in my area. But having that approval versus a pre qualification still can benefit you greatly. If you're in a multiple offer situation, when you can go to that seller and say, Alright, Mister Mister seller, we got three offers for three different buyer's agents. Let's say they're all VA, but one of them is underwritten credit approval. The other ones are pre qualifications, which one do you think they're probably going to take? Assuming all of the things are equal, they're gonna take the one that's already gone through the process, because they know they've verified stuff. And they know that it's probably going to shorten the timeframe. You got to take it from six weeks to four. Assuming that's attractive to the seller, there's always variables. It gets weird sometimes a lot of a lot of things in there. But you know, it's that's a huge one.

Jason Anderson

Yeah, yeah. So it's been, it's been really, it's been an interesting journey, just learning a lot of this, you know, and learning a ton as I've got to build better PCs and talk to a bunch of different agents and different lenders hear stories all the time. And, yeah, that's just yeah, we hope to be a resource that's used often and that people would tell their friends about and tell other people bounce, hey, yeah, just use this website, you'll find somebody on there, we're in the process of building out all 50 states and having as many agents on there as possible. So that kind of know, no matter where somebody is moving. There's at least a resource or somebody, you know, that's in that area that may even be able to just connect them with a different agent if they're working, you know, somewhere similar.

Keith McKeever

Yeah. So if somebody's listening to this, and they happen to be licensed, or they're going to get their license, is there a spot there on your website where they can go and apply?

Jason Anderson

There it is. Yeah. So just right on the homepage, there's, you know, a few different buttons on there. One of those is just get listed. And, and then on that page, there's separate links, one for lenders, one for agents. And, yeah, they just fill out that information. It's pretty simple. they'll get an auto email with a link to book a phone call interview. And so people can't just list themselves on the website, we go through an interview everybody. And there's a few different steps. Again, there's no fees or anything like that to it. But yeah, we get kind of a bunch of different, you know, information and review at all. And then we get people uploaded the site. And, yeah, then we try to work with agents, once they're uploaded, with social media and all that stuff. So that, you know, they can post about it, and they can, you know, use veteran PCs and the name and logos and everything like that. And then we can, you know, post about them as well, but our own pages and help people find them.

Keith McKeever

Awesome. So that's really helpful for anybody who's in that boat. But I think it also is great for the consumers to know that you're not just letting people just go on there, and sign up and say, Here I am, you know, come use me. You know, I don't know what I'm doing, I have no clue. I've never sold a house before. I've never, you know, I just got my license, 30 seconds ago, Pick Me Pick Me Pick Me, you know that you got some sort of background and you know, a decent trust level that this person is gonna take care of you so. So that's awesome. Any, any other features on your website, anything, anything, anything new coming up, anything you're rolling out, or anything that you guys

Jason Anderson

looking at? We've, yeah, we've been working hard recently on our YouTube page, or resources page, and a YouTube page, that's going to have just a lot of beneficial videos on a lot of these topics and questions. So we've got market updates on there. So we were talking through like the interest rates, what they're at currently, what they've been at, historically, how that affects your payment, or your pre qualification or pre approval. And, yeah, I got a ton of, you know, kind of shorter videos 10 to 15 minutes left times talking through different features about the VA loan. And, yeah, so we're building all that out. And just doing more and more, you know, kind of q&a with, it's almost like a podcast type of approach. So where, yeah, we just talked with different lenders, and agents about some of these different topics. So people can use that as a resource to help understand the process, understand different components of the VA loan, how it works, you know, buying or selling as, you know, military service member, either current or former. And, and then our internship program is another big one. And that's, you know, if somebody's transitioning out of the military or through military spouse, or if they're, you know, a veteran and looking to get into real estate, we have done free internships, where I can basically help people get connected to veterans and military spouses that are agents, and then they would be able to meet with them, talk with him, meet with their brokerages as well. And just have some good resources of people to go to, that they can trust that can get them the right information for their area, because every every brokerage is different. And every office is different. License laws are different military spouses that are successful in real estate to talk to, to help. Yeah, so yeah, so the internship thing has been has been pretty cool. As well, we probably had, I don't know, probably close to 20 interns graduate so far, and get into real estate.

Keith McKeever

That's awesome. That's awesome. We need more. I know, in my market area, there's only a handful of us that served out of maybe 850, realtors, there's, gosh, maybe a dozen tops that I know of. I mean, some people might keep that status, kind of hush hush, you know, some people are more out about it than others, but just call me when you need more people who are knowledgeable and that you know, can take care of our community. Because I say all the time, nobody's going to take care of our veteran community better than us. You know, the civilians care about us. Yes, they do. But nobody should care about us more than we should care about us. So that's some great stuff. Jason, I appreciate you coming on here, Sharon, what veteran PCS is and a little bit about the VA loan and anybody that's out there that's looking to buy a house, no matter where it's at, you need to go check it out. Go there. Don't don't go to those big name stores and fork out, you know, billion dollar budget to be all over TV. You know, this place has your interests, your best interests at heart connecting you with real people. Not farming your information out to a dozen at a time. So I appreciate you.

Jason Anderson

Yeah, Facebook, social, you know, we're all over social media and YouTube. It's all pretty much just either at veteran PCs. It's super easy to find. So yeah, what's up and then worse, there's contact info on the website and it It rings right to my cell phone. So people have questions or anything like that. Yeah, we're real people. And people can always just contact us through the websites, we'll

Keith McKeever

have enough people, no matter if you're listening to the Washington, it doesn't matter. I've got to scroll across the bottom, as always, and always be in the show notes so people can go to the show notes, wherever you're listening, wherever you're watching. And, and you can, you can get it there and reach out. And if you're looking to make that purchase soon, that's the best, best first place to go look. Great. Yeah. Glad to have you on. It easy. All right, you too. Here we go. Folks. Hope you enjoyed that episode on real estate. If you need any other resources, you can go check out the website battle buddy Like I always say if there's something that's not on there that you think should be reached out to me and let me know and we'll look at trying to get it on there. And remember, if you're struggling right now, the National Suicide Hotline number is now 988. Press one or you can text 838255


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